Thursday, February 16, 2012

Christopher's Time Management Essay

Christopher Cedillo

Professor Slobod
English 113B
9 January 2012

Time Management
A lot of times you hear the expression, “Do one or the other”, so you can focus on one thing. What people do not realize is that both can be done at the same time, it just takes a little bit of time management and organization to balance these things out. “Time is a special resource that you cannot store or save for later use”(Sasson). Working and going to school is one of the things many people cannot do. Work is necessary for some because they need the money to pay for college. However, many teens in high school think it is impossible to work and do well in school. They seem to not have time to do homework, or study during the week while working. All this however can be accomplished and done when balanced proportionally. Working and being a good student is possible for teens when they balance the two, and manage their time correctly because teens have free time that could be used productively. Doing so, teens acquire the knowledge of time management, responsibility and the worth of a dollar.
            What is time management? How can it be useful to someone? Time management is organizing ones schedule of the day, week, month, etc. according to the things they have to do. Time management can be a useful tool when balancing school and work. Many teens waste countless hours per week watching TV, playing video games, on the phone or doing nothing after school. These hours could be spent wisely working at a job, that teaches responsibility and the value of a dollar. Wasting hours on video games and TV leave you nothing but a headache. Teenagers spend an average of 20 hours a week on electronics before and afterschool. These hours could be used productively by going to work and saving up money for big expenses, such as college or a car.
            Jobs help people in many ways. It helps people build responsibility and new skills. Skills that can be used everyday, such as communication skills, being on time, and handling money. It also provides people money so that they can either save it wisely or spend it all. In these days, many things are really expensive and not affordable to many. One of the big expenses people go through is paying for college. College is really expensive and with more and more budget cuts, it as hard for parents themselves to pay for college. Many young adults in college sometimes do not appreciate their education because they had their parents pay for it and working makes them realize the value of a dollar. Having teens work they learn the value of a dollar at a younger age is important because by the time there in college, they know the value of their education.
            Teens working to help pay for their college, makes them responsible because they learn the value of their education and the job. A minimum waged job is not something easy nor is it something you want to do for the rest of your life. A minimum waged job is a job that most people are not willing to do. It’s usually a fast paced job with working conditions that are not really safe. In Ashley Halls student essay, Broke and bored: The Summer Job, one of the jobs she talks about is at a restaurant whose working conditions were not to well. “Big Boy restaurants are all equipped not only with buffets, germ cesspools, and blue hair, but also with very slippery tile floors”(Hall). Ashley Halls’ interpretation of Bob’s Big Boy is an example of how working conditions are when receiving minimum wage. Other fast food places, such as McDonalds could be as bad as Big Boys or even worse. “Many low-level jobs within the service industry do not require a great deal of skill, but they are sometimes monotonous and entail manual labor. Teens might have to perform unpleasant tasks, such as cleaning bathrooms or taking out trash, for these jobs”(Latzko). These jobs that people do not want to do, are not safe for teenagers because it puts in a position where they could get injured at anytime.
            Not all jobs however are awful and dangerous. There are other jobs teens can get that are less stressing, and give you more money. A job that mostly any teen can get is being a tutor. Mostly all school offer tutoring programs where teenagers tutor other kids and get paid. All schools have some kind of educational program where teenagers have the chance to make a buck. These easy jobs are flexible with school schedules and help you raise some money.
            One of the easiest jobs I had in high school was babysitting two times during the week for moms, friends’ children.  The two kids were age ten and seven. They liked to play with their Legos and watch TV but homework came first. I sat with them at the table helping them with their homework and sometimes I was able to finish mine. Even though I got five dollars an hour, I liked it because I was able to balance my schoolwork and my job at the same time. I also knew other friends that would tutor at school and would get money for it. Most school jobs are easy to attain and are flexible with school hours.
             Not all jobs however are easy to manage right away. Other jobs take up more time, which requires better use of time productively. Time consuming jobs at restaurants like Ashley Hall mentioned about Big Boy, take up a lot of hours throughout the day. This is why many teenagers who work in high school end up slacking off in school.  They put so much time into their job that they forget about the most important job of all, their education. They get too overwhelmed with work that they don’t feel like doing homework or studying for the next exam. “Teenagers working more than 20 hours a week were more likely to engage in substance abuse and have lower grade point averages”(Walker). There are not that many hours during the week and with teenagers working over twenty hours, it is hard for them to get homework done, sleep or even have time to rest.
            Teenagers slack off because they begin to love making money and forget about school. They seam to not care about school anymore because they are making money. “Students who work more than 20 hours a week have grade point averages that are lower than other students who work 10 or fewer hours a week”(Walker).  At times teenagers drop out because they feel like school is not going to get them anywhere and a job is. The low paying jobs however, are not enough to live the rest of your life off.  They think the money they are earning is great, but its no enough to succeed and live your life off. Also, “Research suggests that substance abuse is higher for students who work 20 or more hours per week”(Walker). Working and going to school can cause any person to get stressed. Teenagers working so many hours and balancing school, tend to fall into the use alcoholic substances, cigarettes or drugs because they are under constant stress.
            Working in high school is good preparation for when you have to work in college. Jobs teach teens how to effectively manage finances. Even if the teen is simply using their earnings to pay for their own expenses, they will learn to budget between clothes, movies, and car expenses. They work off to pay expenses, such as gas, rent, phone bill etc. Working in high school is an advantage when working in college because you already have an idea of  the schedule you need to do when balancing the two. Teens also “gain useful, marketable skills such as improving their communication, learning how to handle people, developing interview skills and filling out job applications”(Walker). Finding a job is easier when you have a basic idea of the requirements jobs look for. Working in high school and then transitioning to college is not overwhelming anymore because the skills you learned before to balance out your time can now be used in college.
When getting a job, you are taking the first steps towards responsibility, which will help you in college and as an adult. You will learn things like the importance of being on time, new skills, and the importance of earning a dollar. You begin to realize the value of other things as well. Learning how to balance work and school is possible for any teenager. All this can be done with a little bit of time management and organization.
Money is what makes the world go around, but when used improperly it causes peoples lives to go down the drain. An education makes a person acquire the knowledge to live better and have a better, less stressing and secure job in the future. Both earning money at a job and going to school to get a better job, can be hard to balance with ought time management. Money can sometimes suck a person into dropping out of school and working forever because they feel like they cannot do both. Not learning the proper skills as a teenager on how to handle time and balancing work and school can be really heavy to someone new. Teenagers are able to do both when they learn to use time management efficiently. “Through right time management, you can “create” the time you need, and not just wait for it to come. By planning your time wisely, you will have more time to do more things”(Sasson). Teenagers learn many responsibilities when they balance school and work. With this knowledge and experience they become hard working and responsible adults.

Works Cited
Hall, Ashley. "Student Essay: Broke and Bored: The Summer Job." Writing with a Thesis. By
            Sarah E. Skwire and David Skwire. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2011. 102-03. Print.

Latzko, Laura. "What Jobs Can Teenagers Have? |" EHow | How to Videos, Articles
            & More - Discover the Expert in You. | 16 Feb. 2011. Web. 07 Feb. 2012.

Sasson, Remez. "Importance of Time Management." Self Improvement - Spiritual Growth –
            Inner Peace - SuccessConsciousness. 20 May 2008. Web. 09 Feb. 2012.

Walker, Rosemarie. "Teenagers and Part-Time Jobs: Benefits, Drawbacks and Tips «." 29 Apr.
            2011. Web. 07 Feb. 2012. <

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